M I X E R  M U S I C
www.clairemix.com and www.mixerkids.com

Our Governor

Mixer Kids Perform at the Capitol
Photos of the Mixer Kids performance at Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Inaugural Party!

Mixer Kids on their way to the Inaugural Party!

The Mixer Kids at the State Capitol

Tom Sullivan and Mixer

Mixer's Father showing his support!

Mixer is having the time of her life.
Mixer is having the time of her life.

Media from around the world came for this event.

Mixer Music - Short Nav
M I X E R  M U S I C
Content Copyright©2004 Mixer Music
Photos of
Governor Swarzenegger are used with permission,
and are not intended to represent any political affiliation or endorsement.
Web assistance by
Montanesque Enterprises - Designs for Print and Web